Shop directly through the Kilwell website and get your order shipped to Kelly Country store, freight free!
Weaver #35 Top Mount Bae
Used as FRONT base on:
BERETTA Pntail ES 100 Slug gun
REMINGTON 700 & 78 L/A, 721, 725, 400 X-L long Actions, 700 & 78 S/A. 722, 40 X-S, 725 short actions, 700 ML
RUGER M77 (round top)
WEATHERBY Maark V mag. Cal except 240 mag. Vanguard
Used as REAAR base on:
BERETTA Pintail ES 100 Slug Gun
COLT Sauer
Shop directly through the Kilwell website and get your order shipped to Kelly Country store, freight free!