Shop directly through the Kilwell website and get your order shipped to Kelly Country store, freight free!
At the heart of the Thunder is the HikVision 384x288px, 17µm thermal sensor (NETD Rating = 35mK).
This combines with the large, 35mm objective lens and focus system to achieve a crystal clear image and enhanced detection distances.
Combine this with the HIK software that processes the image you see on screen and you have an unbeatable package that performs well above its price point.
Connect your smartphone and take control of all features of the Thunder.
The T-Vision app allows you to stream the output in real-time allowing you to share your viewpoint with a friend.
You can also record images and video, optimise the colour profile, display settings and magnification all from the easy to use a
Shop directly through the Kilwell website and get your order shipped to Kelly Country store, freight free!