Shop directly through the Kilwell website and get your order shipped to Kelly Country store, freight free!
SSA ammunition by Nosler is tuned specifically for use in semi-automatic firearms chambered in 5.56, 6.8 Remington SPC, 300 AAC Blackout, 308 Winchester and the Granddaddy of them all, 30-06 M1Garand. Loaded to pressures that reliably cycle semi-auto’s for maximum dependability, SSA ammunition is now exclusively loaded up front with Nosler bullets for unparalleled down range performance. Whether shooting on the range, in the field, law enforcement or defense, operators depend on their ammunition to function as designed with every trigger pull. SSA ammunition was created, designed and assembled with this in mind so it can be trusted as the right tool for the job.
Shop directly through the Kilwell website and get your order shipped to Kelly Country store, freight free!